
Hemorrhoids are a common digestive symptom. But it doesn’t mean you need to get used to living with them. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in or near the rectum that can cause pain and embarrassment. But there’s good news — hemorrhoids are treatable.

Internal hemorrhoids are not visible because they’re located inside the rectum. But you may be able to see and feel external hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids may look like red, swollen lumps near your anus.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids may include:

  • Pain
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Itching
  • Stool leaking from the rectum
  • Anal swelling

This page will first discuss when you should see a gastroenterologist for hemorrhoids. We’ll then explore the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids so that you know your options. Lastly, we’ll discuss potential causes and how to prevent hemorrhoids.

When to See a Gastroenterologist for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids often resolve on their own within a few days. But if your symptoms stick around, you should see a gastroenterologist. Some digestive conditions can cause symptoms of hemorrhoids, so it’s important to rule out potential medical complications.

Signs that you should see a gastroenterologist for hemorrhoids include:

But you don’t need to suffer from extreme symptoms to seek treatment. If hemorrhoids start to interfere with your daily life and cause you mental anguish or pain, hemorrhoid treatment is right for you.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Hemorrhoids

Gastroenterologists can diagnose the type of hemorrhoids you have and develop a treatment plan to meet your needs. Some hemorrhoids cannot be fixed medically and may need surgery. But other types of hemorrhoids respond well to non-surgical treatment.

The diagnosis of hemorrhoids begins with a review of your symptoms and medical history. We will then complete testing to verify your diagnosis.

Tests that can diagnose hemorrhoids include:

Treatment of hemorrhoids varies depending on the location and size of the hemorrhoids. Treatment may include:

  • Hemorrhoid cream
  • Medication
  • Warm baths
  • Hemorrhoid banding
  • Surgery

Creams, medication, and warm baths can improve your quality of life by temporarily reducing symptoms of hemorrhoids. Other treatment options can eliminate your symptoms by getting rid of hemorrhoids for good.

Hemorrhoid banding is a non-surgical procedure that can remove hemorrhoids permanently with little risk. Surgery can also remove hemorrhoids. But this process is much more invasive and can result in complications such as pain and infection.

Hemorrhoid Banding

Hemorrhoid banding is a fast and simple procedure that can get rid of internal hemorrhoids. During this procedure, we place a small rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. This cuts off blood flow to the area and causes the hemorrhoid to fall off after a few days.

Benefits of hemorrhoid banding include:

  • Permanent relief of symptoms
  • Pain-free
  • Only takes a few minutes
  • No preparation or sedation
  • Outpatient procedure
  • No recovery necessary

If you live in the Lubbock, Texas area and want to learn more about hemorrhoid banding, you can schedule an appointment online or call our office at (806) 696-4440.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can develop from increased pressure on the veins in your rectum. Potential causes of hemorrhoids include:

  • Straining on the toilet
  • Chronic constipation
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Heavy lifting

How to Prevent Hemorrhoids

Many lifestyle modifications can reduce your risk of developing hemorrhoids. Below, we’ll discuss some strategies that you can use to improve your digestive health.

Eat a High-Fiber Diet

Consuming a high-fiber diet can prevent constipation, which is a common cause of hemorrhoids. Keeping your stools soft can reduce straining and time spent sitting on the toilet.

A high-fiber diet includes:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts and seeds

You should add more fiber to your diet slowly to prevent gas and bloating. The recommended daily fiber intake is 28g per 2000 calories.

Drink More Water

Drinking water throughout your day can also soften your stools and relieve pressure on your rectum. You should drink 8 glasses of water daily. If your pee is dark yellow, it’s a sign to drink more water. Your pee should be clear or pale yellow when properly hydrated.

Avoid Prolonged Sitting

Sitting for a long time can cause hemorrhoids by increasing pressure on the veins in your rectum. You should take frequent breaks from sitting when possible to prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

Don’t Strain or Bear Down

Straining while on the toilet can lead to hemorrhoids. You should limit your time on the toilet to 2 minutes or less to avoid forcing a bowel movement. If you’re unable to go within that time frame, you should try again later.

Straining during heavy lifting can also contribute to hemorrhoids by increasing pressure on your rectum. You should practice proper breathing and body mechanics while lifting to prevent “bearing down.”

Gastroenterologist in Lubbock, Texas

Hemorrhoids are not dangerous. But serious digestive conditions can cause similar symptoms. If your hemorrhoids don’t resolve within a few days, or if you experience new or worsening symptoms, you should contact your doctor.

Dr. Sameer Islam is a gastroenterologist and West Texas native. He finds the root cause of your symptoms and restores your digestive health through individualized treatment plans.

If you want to get rid of hemorrhoids, you can schedule an appointment online or call our office at (806) 696-4440.