Hemorrhoids – Signs & When to Seek Medical Help
Hemorrhoids in Lubbock, TX Hemorrhoids are self-diagnosable and can be treated effectively with home remedies. However, there are cases where [...]
Colonoscopy Prep: Diet Tips & Easing the Process
Colonoscopy prep in Lubbock, TX Colonoscopy prep in Lubbock, TX Preparing for a colonoscopy could be challenging but [...]
Colonoscopy – Procedure, Screening & Diagnosis
Colonoscopy in Lubbock, Tx Colonoscopy in Lubbock, Tx Colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure to screen for colon cancer. [...]
Hemorrhoid Banding – Procedure & Success Rates
Hemorrhoid banding in Lubbock, Tx Hemorrhoid banding in Lubbock, Tx Hemorrhoids are swollen veins (blood vessels) that form [...]
What Your Poop Appearance Says About Your Health
Everybody poops, but we rarely talk about it. Probably because it sounds gross and sometimes offensive; however, we might [...]
Best Polyphenols for Your Gut?
Plant-based diets are associated with lower disease risks. As purely natural foods, they contain natural chemicals and nutrients that [...]